Yaimo Of The Cat Planet
1 1 15 2015/02/07c MLD 214 214
2 2 17 2015/02/07c GH 205 419
3 4 18 2015/02/07c MFD 184 603
4 4 15 2015/02/07c AL 181 784
5 5 25 2015/04/04d JA 180 964
6 5 18 2015/02/07c PB 173 1137
7 5 15 2015/02/07c GB 170 1307
8 7 25 2015/04/04d PH 158 1465
9 7 24 2015/04/04d PH 157 1622
10 8 26 2015/04/04d MDL 148 1770
11 3L 17 2015/04/25e DR 144 1914
12 9 29 2015/04/25e MDL 140 2054
13 4L 13 2015/03/06a JC 129 2183
14 2L 8 2015/03/06a JC 126 2309
15 5L 12 2015/02/07c EVD 117 2426

2015/02/07c = 
2015/03/06a = 
2015/04/04d = 
2015/04/25e = 

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.