2013-2014 Kitten Standings: 2405-2600

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Mon May 5 00:31:28 2014.

RankKitten Standings: 2405-2600
Int'l Breed Name Breed Score
240592Savage'ru Porsche Panamera AB222
2406T108Moonlake Brutus BS221
2406T293Shangripaw Painted Desert Rose BG221
2406T57Ranchcats Lydia of Minghou SI221
2409T332Idaho Des Landes d'Armor MC220
2409T93Lugwe's Darjeeling AB220
2409T294Anjou Sweet Renaissance BG220
2409T82Angelsofbc George of Fantcfur SX220
2413T136Manekineko Cats Rumpelstiltskin PS219
2413T5Primpraus Berlioz Against All Odds KT219
2413T295Saphira Zoe Heart BG219
2416T83Pharaon Cats Zolotinka SX218
2416T240Rags2dazzle Liz Ragdolls To Love RD218
2418T28Velvet Queen Servantes CR217
2418T55Noi of Tavaloga SB217
2418T74Ulthar Fomalhaut OS217
2421T241Farandoll Hina of Fairymoon RD216
2421T17Du Du RB216
2421T137M'Jeden Anglelababy PS216
2421T296Parker BG216
2425T297Spotswalkin Wild Essence BG215
2425T138Isatis de L'Edelweiss PS215
2425T333Red Gates Supermania MC215
2428T56Dachakoshka Konstantin SB214
2428T298Integrated Bow N Arrow BG214
2428T42Bellator's Ashley BU214
2428T1Evgeniyas Xenia of Truevine NB214
243291Barlandrus Chocolate Blossom ES213
2433T139Hollowhills Dancing With Destiny PS212
2433T299From Bengal House Marble Book BG212
2433T242Dollheaven Drama Queen RD212
2436T58Klazeekats Reagan SI210
2436T92Simcris Bronte At Bronjoy ES210
2436T94Chivas Night Hunter AB210
2439T95Difference's Irresistible AB209
2439T300Wildwoodbengalsdire BG209
2441T41Starcrystal's Kit Kat BI208
2441T301Aldeabengals Uma BG208
2441T21Herost TH208
2444334Big Giants Resorts Notre Dame MC207
2445T302TRaindancers Tegan of Katzpaw BG206
2445T335Ich Liebe Dich Lorele Du Chabeaute MC206
2445T23I Love de Vis A Vis BL206
2445T302TGlitterngold Suburu BG206
2445T93A'tien Ms Emily of Whozz ES206
2445T140Hollowhills Loves Unfolding Dream PS206
2451T336Degoonacoon Maputu MC205
2451T243TLollicat Tootsie RD205
2451T243TFairymoon Macaroni RD205
2451T304Simplyblessed Headliner BG205
2455T18Finesthour Playingtheangel SR204
2455T59Klazeekatz Faerydae SI204
2455T18Synergy Cetus OL204
2458T34Cacao Bannerman of Shiekspurr HI203
2458T30Summerwood Ryder SV203
2458T305Iago Du Bout Du Bonheur BG203
2458T57Siberian Heaven Viktor SB203
2458T96Abymax Gaius Julius Caesar AB203
2463T94Iseult Du Compte de Grimm NF202
2463T306Traipse Loki Moto BG202
2465T60Bershar Special Effects SI201
2465T97Abydale Sundance Kid AB201
2465T337Bountymainecoon Baby Love MC201
2465T245Purrla Jazzy Jennipurr RD201
2469T49Beauchador Bellagio AS200
2469T307Rainforest Kitten BG200
2469T95Azwegie Victor NF200
2469T109Ticatbalu Amelia Earhart BS200
247327Chatoublie Thor SO199
2474308Gensaurea Wild Naitiry BG198
2475T31Katzalano I Love Lucy SG197
2475T141TCachabelle Etoile of Ecstasy PS197
2475T141TD'sonanns Brunelle PS197
2475T309Traipse Coeur d'Loreal BG197
2475T141TVannies Paws Star Gazer PS197
2480T246TLechatte Ragdoll Paige of LondondollRD196
2480T13Insider Wilmar SRL196
2480T246TPalacedolls Lara of Snugglerags RD196
2483T94Folie Rouge Bon O Bon ES195
2483T50Beauchador Callipyge AS195
2485T338Mainewoods Taisia MC194
2485T18Blooming Dazzling RB194
2485T310Rowan The Girl Who Stole The Stars BG194
248832Ingmar de La Symphoriane SG193
2489T96Patches NF192
2489T110Hannibal of Moon Sissi*CZ BS192
2491T339Gatofeliz Ansuz MC191
2491T144Lagadema Naranjo En Flor PS191
2491T3Lakvian Zeus KB191
2491T311Southlynn Metallic Ripple BG191
2491T248Keepurrs Zoie RD191
2496T312TShaghera Firebird BG190
2496T84Firehill Maleficent's Obsession SX190
2496T42Whitesox Sioux of Sandesox BI190
2496T312TWildgold Okalani BG190
2496T312TStarkittie Castiel BG190
2501T145TMystere Dolly Mixture PS189
2501T145TDclass Morgana PS189
2501T340Amangroup Aphrodite MC189
2504T13Rakiscats Count Yanik Al-Qair BA188
2504T315Pettypoo Professor X BG188
2504T17Gordey Alexvakar KBL188
2507T2Snowdust Danish Balloo SN187
2507T75Ranchcats Randy OS187
2507T111Blue Bramble of Hadeley BS187
2507T58Basilicblessing Her Fathers Joy Pur SB187
2511T249Angelicaragdoll Liam RD186
2511T19Bluewind Emeraldo RB186
2511T29Bonne Chance Ettien SFL186
2511T97Azureblue Chika NF186
2511T316Harlekin Fiona BG186
2511T85Zaramon Lola SX186
2517T341TNelson Afonya Coon*ru MC185
2517T35Saintbella Sambuca Amore HI185
2517T147Reminiscence's Imnalamour PS185
2517T341TSalexcoon Kai MC185
2521T317Margaichiarli Laurelin Lexapro BG184
2521T250Izzadorablerags Cotton Candy RD184
2521T10Geraylar Kalinka of Ladakedi TA184
2521T61Hojpoj Nightbird SI184
2521T148Saintbella Twilight Jasper PS184
2521T98Newslabel Xerxes NF184
2527T251Chessie RD183
2527T318TGuanjingbengal Miracle BG183
2527T343PL* Dallantines Harley MC183
2527T318TMyth BG183
2527T318TOnlybengal Alf BG183
2527T318TJumpertw Hsin Fay BG183
2533T344Bearcloud Lucretia MC182
2533T322Koppiekatz Chili BG182
2533T252Farlow Fiorente RD182
2536T323Ohmy Ripples Edge BG181
2536T345Hu*bravelover Jefferson MC181
2538T42Elfe Feerique Gimmy of Rad DR180
2538T253TAngeliqdoll Mila RD180
2538T346PL*catroad Vina Del Mar MC180
2538T59Goldenesima Anabel SB180
2538T15Supersweet Star Jupiter TO180
2538T28Milky Way Mystery Albion SF180
2538T253TBlossom Incredible Violet of RTT RD180
2545T60Alionka-Fram Fialka of Orlenda SB179
2545T149Muusa Apolo PS179
2547T17Kattegat Saucy Kikkoman PB178
2547T112Dalbodre Spica BS178
2549T347Woodpile Billie Burke of Rumford MC177
2549T51Mirinae Shane AS177
2549T76Metaxa Prada-In -Black of Juannre OS177
2549T324TTache Kunoichi BG177
2549T324TGrue BG177
2549T11Yakamoz Rhapsody In Blue TA177
2555T326Cavscout Precious Gem BG176
2555T99Boxer Kotonland*PL NF176
2557T20Vert Pripri Prizo RB175
2557T327TAlmafelina Juancito BG175
2557T36Iron de La Belle Cara HI175
2557T327TBlissnmore Riversong of Dragonstone BG175
2557T255Purrla Sarah of Furreal RD175
2557T15Badina Chare Noma TG175
2557T23Karrklan's Omega OC175
2557T348Velsbechmann L.o.C. MC175
2565T86Couleesphynx Osiris SX174
2565T61Itchy Des Crunnchu SB174
2565T349TFlipside T'Lada MC174
2565T113Honeybears Mercedes BS174
2565T349TNascat Saleen Mustang MC174
2565T329Sunstorm Obsidian Clouds BG174
2571150Katzeye Babys Got Her Blu Jeans On PS173
2572T330TKamisha Voodoo Spirit BG172
2572T12Sunbriar Once In A Blue Moon TA172
2572T4Cacao Peppermint Twist AW172
2572T9Javahut Harley HB172
2572T87Couleesphynx Oscar SX172
2572T18D-Jazz KBL172
2572T330TGuanjingbengal Luca BG172
2579T114Lermireve Underleyhall*PL BS171
2579T256Hovicastle Aaliyah RD171
2579T43Indigo de L'Estijolisaphir BI171
2579T13Ivana Des Bleus de Jade CX171
2579T351Megacoon Mistral of Bigrivercoon MC171
2584352Merrimac Numair Salmalin MC170
2585T62Lancarrow Breeze SI169
2585T37Lion Red Vieland HI169
2585T353Amangroup Aprilis MC169
2585T332Dadaelis Dulcinea of Savoirfaire BG169
2589T354Waterproof's Zuzee Zafira MC168
2589T38Purrstarr Fiori of Shiekspurr HI168
2589T52Greystoke Shyla of Bluebonnet AS168
2589T333Bengaluvrs Sunrise Glows BG168
2589T19Lamancha Danny SR168
2594T334Sherakan Mufassa BG167
2594T62Rockaran Rex Luchezarovich SB167
2596T10Mokolea Patina of Oberlin HB166
2596T53Lamagiechat White Bunny AS166
2596T151Sherezada Mery PS166
2596T98Pentaclecats Primrose of Gumbeaux AB166
2600T63Pavlina Hakuna Matata SB165
2600T335Wild Waters Spartacus BG165
2600T355TCoberman Lil Bit-O-Itty Bit MC165
2600T355TWistariantale Bewitched MC165
2600T152Hitomihoenix Messi PS165