Championship Cat Standings : 2207-2405

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Thu May 23 21:19:49 2013.

RankChampionship Cat Standings : 2207-2405
Int'l Breed Name Breed Score
220714Charlie of Radiant OC262
2208T33Rainingrexes Eclipse DR261
2208T143Holmes Du Domaine Du Magnolia BS261
2210T200Bordeaux LTD Sassafras of Sal-Shire RD260
2210T18Tisima Aynu Aquarelle KL260
2210T265Artattack Grace Yuuri of Kirarakan BG260
2210T32Wildangel Monsieur BU260
2210T37Chez Tillous Lancelot BI260
2215143Night Winds Blunote of Hollowhills PS259
2216T6Yukiusagi Shiosai JL258
2216T89Orange Marmelad Ecstasy AB258
2216T266Asiafauve Cheyenne BG258
2219T267TGogees Winner Circle Horus BG257
2219T18Tyheracles Hoshiyo CX257
2219T22Jasmintea Smile Golden-Egg SF257
2219T267TTuminello Anesidora BG257
2219T8Munchkinlane S Dennis The Menace MK257
2224201Tranquilvalley Majestic Mousetrap RD256
2225T24Hitogata de Rep Ninou SO255
2225T269Camalottaspots Leonardo BG255
2225T144Purrceptive Smokiki BS255
2225T12Designerstripes Real Gem TG255
2229T11Ilveslinnan Amir Akanyildiz TV254
2229T17Cloudcity Shogun Wills TH254
2229T63Kopjekaat Hrorek Hugossom NF254
223213Eeyaa Cup Old Honey TG253
2233T43Fairy World Sona RB252
2233T270Jungletrax Electric Slide BG252
2233T38Harley Mitziefurr Quinn Birmabella BI252
2236T271TMaya Gold El Mirador Amulet BG251
2236T202Pacificats Amelie of Cashmererags RD251
2236T271TSherakan Gandalf of Saphira BG251
2239T232Mainelyclassic Ciao Ciao MC250
2239T77Cooncreole Nikkolas SB250
2239T203Soberano The Regent of Mitzi RD250
2242T13Giulianna of British Harmony BL249
2242T145Forest Beauty Arnold BS249
2242T5Irokez KB249
2242T18Cloudcity Asteria TH249
2242T90Nightmist Believe It Or Not AB249
2242T233Cybercoon Only You MC249
2248234Bulgari Bubu-Coons MC248
2249T13Precioushearts Bedazzled SL247
2249T146Highland Legend's Gargamel BS247
2251T204Tranquilvalley Strike A Pose RD246
2251T91Zinfelmax Petite Syrah AB246
2251T78Charodey Uslada SB246
2251T33Laki Camellia BU246
2255T273TCanicspots Liberta Boy BG245
2255T205Tranquilvalley Elegant Lady RD245
2255T235Mika Coon Diana MC245
2255T273TBengaland Reflection of Medoz BG245
2259T76TSundancenbare Razzles Legacy SX244
2259T275Bbbengals Heavenly Ridge BG244
2259T76TFantcfur Lucy Lou of Sundancenbare SX244
2262T38Hezekiel de Viazie/ID SI243
2262T12Geraylar Haci Geray TA243
2262T147Quiet Neelix von Bullerbue BS243
2262T276Purrlawnrouge Caesar of Allaglitter BG243
2262T92Arirang Oto ES243
2267277Owlsdene Leopardo BG242
2268T92Wikileaks Charming Angel AB241
2268T206Bellaluna Merlin's Magic RD241
2268T236Nora Jones Old Coon. CZ MC241
2271T207Diamonddolls Coco Chanel RD239
2271T148Sharman v Armani BS239
2271T278Lone Star Magnum Opus BG239
2274T237Garfield Royal Maine Coon Adorable MC237
2274T208Ragalong Mordecai RD237
2276149Petra Kingdomofcats BS236
2277T279Snowgold Dana BG235
2277T78Mahadevishakti Coquelicot SX235
2279209Divinelove Nico Robin RD234
2280T144Goury R'Mes PS233
2280T79TAdelfsh John Lennon SX233
2280T16Myazureyes Cotton Candy of Dizigner OL233
2280T238Amangroup Platinum Rex MC233
2280T280Belrouge Lexus Delarue BG233
2280T79TPygmy Puff Des Elfes Du Lac SX233
2286T210Gessy de Ragakitty RD232
2286T23Filand's Tiffany SF232
2286T81Magics Angel Infinity SX232
2289T14Hunnybears It Was Not Me SL231
2289T239Tingara Champagne Snow MC231
2291T13Gulfcats Hana of Angelbear JB230
2291T93Ispahan Myth Johnny Cash ES230
229382Lynnsphynx Kalista Mini of Taberet SX229
2294T19Happy Island Margo SS228
2294T41Russeller Baja Luna AS228
2296T145Selenwey Harmony PS227
2296T64Bosques Vikingos Mr Smith NF227
2296T281Lonestarbengals Magnum Opus BG227
2296T47Tranquility Lunar Eclipse of Thunda HI227
2296T25Nyan-Nyan Gona Be A of Renge SO227
230165Ian Flemings Tiffany Case NF225
2302T211Happucathouse Abby RD223
2302T19Wyldthingz Rockstar of Miragecats SV223
2302T146Chareza Hola PS223
2302T44Phoebus Hany Queen RB223
2306T282TMetastar Mocan BG222
2306T282TFovea Bengal's Fragrance BG222
2306T19Columbleu Evening In Paris CX222
2309T94Carriekatz Black Ice Beauty ES221
2309T66Coomakista Iarla Tann NF221
2309T93Licca Lightning Odile AB221
2312T212TSelia Blue Invariance RD220
2312T212TRouletii You Belong With Me RD220
2312T83Kenluki Ichiban SX220
2312T240TOkinawa Airishcoon*ru MC220
2312T240TEverest Des Sentiers Sauvages MC220
2312T39Raushodjen's Amandine af Raus BI220
2312T24Flint Favorite Vlastelin Kolec Shes SF220
2319T242TLangstteich's N'El Kid MC219
2319T242TLibertypride Shagane MC219
2319T284Formosa Alex BG219
2319T34Toriland Lolly BU219
2323T285Pantherajedi Jester BG218
2323T244Coonung Val Palhard MC218
2325T245Megacoon Bonjovi of Mountaincats MC217
2325T67Fantarja Lady Will NF217
2327T246Assur Krasa MC216
2327T147Felinegold Aramis PS216
2329T214TPacificats Letters To Juliet RD215
2329T12Ozgur's Nazli TV215
2329T68Norestar's Gisele Lovisa Tatiana NF215
2329T214TKlaus Dob RD215
2333T21Inpetos Lucky of Precioushearts SR214
2333T74Smeraldo Humpty Dumpty OS214
2333T216DK Maine Malawi's Abigail Sciuto RD214
2333T286Wildstyle Shadow of Katzmania BG214
2333T69Littlemew Christopher Robin NF214
2338T150Marrubium Cute Ivory, HR BS212
2338T217Bellaluna Lady Liberty of Eria Pro RD212
2340T31Hannibal de Luxe CR211
2340T40Halya Du Royaume Des Muses BI211
2340T247Fario King of Bohemia MC211
2343T84Sphynxantiquus The Highlander SX210
2343T15Pikespeak Panache OC210
2343T41Swahili's Gayan BI210
2343T42Candy May Arthur AS210
2343T287Mainstreet Checkmate BG210
2343T218Proud Tamagochan of Fuzzjp RD210
2349T288TBengalutopia Leonidas BG209
2349T20Blackmountain Queen Malika SV209
2349T288TFakirbengal Oeudipe of Bengallys BG209
2352T290TDreampaws Snickers BG208
2352T290TTherealms Zhuri of Zorlacbengals BG208
2352T18Plamya Vostoka Princessa Tuluza PD208
2352T48TFleur de Lys de La Douceur Lilac HI208
2352T26DK Badina's Ianthe SO208
2352T48TVannies Paw Rise of The Phoenix HI208
2352T290TBig Marshal DJ of Wild Africa BG208
2359T151Pavarotti Rubio d'Oaxaca BS207
2359T148Dream Lover's d'Artagnan PS207
2361T42Elysee Des Gants de Velours BI206
2361T149Valegas Valentina PS206
2361T219Kasseldolls Mezmerize of Magical RD206
2361T79v*grand Sineglaziy Angel SB206
2365T220Happle de Sogane RD205
2365T16G'Anakiin de La Belle Cajun ML205
2367T75Minghou Ice Princess of Pengar OS204
2367T39Marimaki Azusa SI204
2367T80Kuz'Kin Dom Ekaterina SB204
2370T19Orchidbobs Karina KL203
2370T95Royal Ideal Globule Blanc ES203
2370T32Ideal Dream Habanita CR203
2370T150Diabolos Ferrari PS203
2374T221Angellcats Sir Calvin Klein RD202
2374T13Hylanderclan Desiree TA202
2374T34Golden Elf Elly DR202
2374T152TQeendom Cyprus of Serebrity BS202
2374T152TRoslin Citrus BS202
237985Peaches Elan of Lockandkey SX201
2380T17Buteurs Kain EM200
2380T248Mount Desert's Taj Mahal MC200
2380T293Zazen Zafu of Tapastree BG200
2380T43Gueisha Du Royaume de Nefer BI200
2384T44Giverny de Kerdalian BI199
2384T249Tipzntailz Aint Mizbehavin MC199
2384T294TJunglecreations Saber Cat BG199
2384T222Candy May Lovely RD199
2384T45Rubanthom Imogene RB199
2384T96Candy May Dorami ES199
2384T294TDadaelis Heartbreaker of Kamisha BG199
2384T76Virgo Gaide Sahmet OS199
2392T296Brockenmoor Lucien BG198
2392T154TLexus Z Panskeho Dvora*CZ BS198
2392T154TChantelle Blue Galaxy BS198
2392T40Geena de Shahjahanpur SI198
2396T97Benua Lambert ES197
2396T70Azureblue Cinderella NF197
2396T41Compass Rose Donnakaran of Quincess SI197
2396T13Fibie de Saint Evroult HB197
2400T297Macenvi Sherlok Holmes BG196
2400T223Rags2dazzle Olivia's Legacy Ruthie RD196
2400T14Catpuccino Lady Bump TA196
2400T151Catquarters Sunny Sandy PS196
2400T50Hiro May I Kiss You HI196
2405T298Spotsnglitz Renesme OfkcsjunglebabesBG195
2405T250TCream Sock's Berlioz Benvenuto MC195
2405T250TElphinstone Willi MC195
2405T81Kex Zhemchug Nevy SB195
2405T45Graine de Malice de La Rose Des VentBI195
2405T224Ransdells Octavian RD195
2405T156Lelaurier Iconfess BS195
2405T14Composercat G. Verdi HB195