Alter Standings : 1001-1200

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Thu May 23 21:19:49 2013.

RankAlter Standings : 1001-1200
Int'l Breed Name Breed Score
100123Jasmine of Toriland BU303
1002T5Middlebrook Princess Rose KT301
1002T88Familytimerags Bella Bear RD301
1004T8Kokopellirex Lucas of Kingsransom CR299
1004T15Samyan Simon TH299
1006T54Cosmo Av Nordenstamm NF296
1006T42Zaramon Honey SX296
1008T20M And Y Anri AS295
1008T133Tingara Champagne Snow MC295
1010T25Howlingcoyote Kingston AB294
1010T32Jinglebelles Tias of Joy BI294
101224Goodeburm Tartuffe BU293
101310Admiral Ackbar of Noah's Ark OL291
1014T12Wyndchymes Cracklin Rosie JB288
1014T89Willowtreerags Orpheus RD288
1016T90Briseis Cleverbeauty RD286
1016T134Cream Sock's Einstein MC286
1016T34Mai Thai Gizmo of Flambo SI286
1016T45Cadmus Faeton OS286
1020T35Dedannan Oisinofcoomakista SI285
1020T46Cornflakes Gimme Shelter OS285
1020T135Somersisle Ra Ra Muri MC285
102310Catsofoz Miss Cloe McTavish SF283
1024T59Mystere Manolito Latino Star PS282
1024T136Gulliver Du Chabeaute MC282
102636O-Jus-1 Weston SI281
102716Pienpeto Eri Raita TH280
10288Yellow Sun of Imperious Glory AL279
1029T68Traipse Rubbled Loki BG278
1029T27Marleevo Absolute Knockout ES278
1031T137Bajuncat's Anton From Alescoon MC276
1031T69Belleelegante Marleys Song BG276
1033T37Enpointe Mysterious Ways SI274
1033T138Amangroup Joy MC274
1033T33Simpson von Der Loburg BI274
103611Vancity Durust Prens Sevimli TV273
1037T91Glorydolls Blue Diamond RD272
1037T18Nymews Olivia Mewton John HI272
103955Rien Warabi NF271
1040T70Cavscout Trouble Spot BG268
1040T56Miagola Elin Hanaeenen NF268
1042T43Acirrekatz Sir Bentley SX267
1042T21Dushara Tatters And Rags SO267
1042T71Glitterngold Galileo BG267
104513Yukiusagi Suzume JB265
1046T139Windwalker Tyrone Power MC264
1046T12Dynastithai Ushuaia SG264
1046T21Stedam Silver Streak of Rumfoldru AS264
104928Zlata Nevskoe Tsarstvo SB259
105060Happypurrs Kenmore of Fleurelain/CF PS258
105138Skan Adonis SI257
105214Ticketyboo Katsudo JB255
105361Rybakcattery Susanita Brigante PS254
1054T92TBecharmed Something Wiccan Comes RD252
1054T11Raksha Sherkina Sidamo OL252
1054T34Angel Eyes Glorious Silver Stardust BI252
1054T140Lionheartcoon Pink Luna MC252
1054T31Cwtchycats Gismo BS252
1054T3Le Pors Galletta NB252
1054T92TSacha's Cats Gainsbarre RD252
106147Ragz OS251
10627Qttonks Mantra TO250
106314Nidoran Zeus Galanof DR249
1064141Stormytown Maya Grace MC248
1065T72Myart Amethyst BG247
1065T48Kalima Coraline OS247
10677Lykken Curly Ronja SL244
1068T94Pidepipurr von Halen RD240
1068T7Santaana Argus OC240
107095Tranquilvalley Periwinkle Dutchess RD235
107173Summerspride Gem BG232
1072T57Rien Jupiter NF230
1072T142Agavecoon Here Comes The Rooster MC230
107417Starlove TH226
1075T5Buteurs Batal EM225
1075T8Susens Apollo of Mainefolds SL225
107729Snowgum Spirit SB221
107874Therealms Antonio BG220
107996Bellapalazzo This Magic Moment RD219
108030Jasperridge Sibierskie Pelmeni SB218
108175Lacemoat Rocknrola BG215
108297Fishbone Chico Romano RD214
108349Gosh Tom Riddle of Roadsend OS213
108435French Kissing Life BI211
1085T39Seleysiamese Bad Boy Bleu SI208
1085T58Drakborgens Ata Hautamaki NF208
1085T25Goodeburm Clovis BU208
1085T44Zaramon Chi-Chi SX208
1089T143Cherry Jumble Jumble MC207
1089T8Qttonks Moab TO207
1091T76Cheysuli Sunset Kiss BG206
1091T144Bhanacoyne Sabanera MC206
1093T36Lord Byron's Arthur BI205
1093T28Furarri Precious Polkadot ES205
1095T29Caramia Fools Gold ES203
1095T77Purebliss Pookie of Gbcharismakatt BG203
109726Fletchers Haley AB202
109822Kit's Sterling Coin of Formosablues AS201
1099T59Forestkatz Mr Wickett of Ksnorskatt NF200
1099T30Beachador Cocotte ES200
110115Viser Erros DR199
1102T98Celestrails Muffin RD197
1102T78Ohmy Kumara At White Castle BG197
1104T15Hoofsnpaws Takeyourbestguess JB195
1104T145Winnercoons Fanny Figure MC195
110637Rosenkaer's Balou BI192
1107T26Luxuscats Alexander BU191
1107T79Benroma Conte Ameno BG191
1107T31Aasgard Brummah II ES191
1110T80Buccaneer Dimples BG190
1110T16Rexintense Hangel DR190
111215Kitti Kat Liberthenite SR189
1113T60Gjovik Du Clos Des Bleuets NF187
1113T81Bundlebengals Icicle BG187
1115T38Starghatts Ishe Stardust BI186
1115T32Orangepekoe I Feel You BS186
1115T18Falkenhoehe Rocky TH186
1115T61TS Lonnebergas Buick Roadmaster NF186
1115T61TSangha Zeus NF186
1120T63Twikke's Happy NF185
1120T32Zendique Whoa Whoa Yeah ES185
1120T82Myart Ruby BG185
1123T45Xarmax Basilio SX184
1123T146Fair-Play de Chatecoq MC184
1123T83Leopardettes Calvin BG184
1123T7Eeyaa Rings O Saturn TG184
1123T50Denaly Ricardo OS184
1128T8Chisholmtrail Miroku of Kitti Kat OC183
1128T9Rumfold Dizzy Master SS183
1130T84TLacemoat Bigbopper BG182
1130T19Shiekspurr Alfredo HI182
1130T84TCinnamonpaws Rowdy BG182
1133T33Ivetta Beautiful Pands BS181
1133T64Baron d'Edel's Gardens NF181
1133T147Pitho A'Capella MC181
1136T86Bengal Hotel 3 BG180
1136T40Neya Kassandra Krasa Shagola SI180
1138T87Redearth Sasha BG179
1138T4Javahut Kaffee Alexis HB179
1138T20TMickey Su Chika HI179
1138T20TMalt of Fanny HI179
1138T41Thai-Di Gooseberry SI179
1143T27Burmisrael Tikki Remembered BU178
1143T65Velley River's Adorable Number One NF178
1143T62Cullykhan Tinkywinky Woo PS178
114646Pharoahs Children Sir William Edwar SX177
1147T66Miagola Forza Hanachakanen NF176
1147T31Mackie Nevskoe Tsarstvo SB176
1149T148Megacoon Muddy Waters MC175
1149T67Catsai Matthew NF175
1149T63A Love4paws Gabriella PS175
1152T28TCamischa's Nougat Nips BU174
1152T28TBurmara Ima Midnight Coffee Buzz BU174
115468Noynarock Rocky Two NF173
115542Taiyoukai Du An Nahar SI172
1156T39Because I Am Fleursdelilas BI171
1156T149Fidji Byakko Du Meocoon MC171
1158T40Bumblebe Im Famous BI170
1158T99Calaquendi Dolls Supernova Kira RD170
1160T51Bellis Amipoli OS169
1160T9Laganjalina Bonita AL169
1162T34TSalomonkingdom Beto BS168
1162T34TLovingpurrtw Pepper Mint BS168
1162T88Batifoleurs Catchulater BG168
1165T7Kurasno Kuril Shuma KL166
1165T150Kizzacoons Hiroyuki MC166
1165T7Josiesmunchkins Torres ML166
1165T64Kiara Cristal PS166
1169T52Feanorian Enterprise OS165
1169T4Pirateslair Dressed To Impress BB165
1169T100Divinelove Princess Chocolat RD165
1172T9Changes The London Boy CR164
1172T4El Shaklan Callas Furrever PD164
1172T151Animecats Sagui MC164
1172T2Fiona Solnechny Zaichil KB164
1172T101Izzadorablerags Xanadu RD164
117736Kitti Kat Marble Crystaline BS163
1178152Yoon Coon Chocolate Chip MC162
1179T102Lonerock Taz Mania RD161
1179T89Mystre A Walk On The Wild Side BG161
1179T9Takrai Nanooks Eskimo Kiss TO161
1182T153Djoser Des Princes Du Maine MC160
1182T65Diva Du Galion Fou PS160
1182T37Havenhouse Thomas BS160
1185T32Almaz Betti SB159
1185T17Viser Favorite DR159
11878Elegant Exotics Robin SV157
1188T18Abby of Absolutly Fabulous DR155
1188T5Oberlin Close But No Cigar HB155
1188T19Archenland Daphne of Stonearch TH155
1191T41Kakatz Fawn Flash BI153
1191T69Raffkin Talllahasse Talulah NF153
1191T103Rocknrags Sophie RD153
119433Dachakoshka Sergei SB152
1195T22Trouillord Allknight Long HI151
1195T30Nadikat's Panton BU151
1197T104Luvleedolls Mister Fritz RD150
1197T2Russellers Taser of Fultonblue AW150
1197T34Dachakoshka Ivan SB150
1200105Hugaragdoll Tobias RD149