Panorama Cat Club, Fót, Hungary, January 26-27, 2008

              Saturday                     Sunday         
        Sue Becknell        AB      Sue Becknell        SP
        Pat Harding         SP      Pat Harding         AB
        Massimo Picardello  AB      Massimo Picardello  AB
        Massimo Picardello  SP      Kurt Vlach          SP

KITTENS                                  SB PH MP MP SB PH MP KV   
Pharao's Hear Veda                   SI   2 1S  2 1S 2S  1  1 2S   
Morpheus von Luanda                  BS   3 2S    4S 1S  3  6 1S   
Annvalentine Puma                    MC   7     3    1L     3 1L   
Pannon Silvestris Niels              NF     5L  1 1L        2 3L   
Maranello Blue Chip                  PS   4 3L       5L  4    4L   
Barsonyos Mancs Felicia              BS     5S  4 3S 4S     4 3S   
St.Carlino De Sol Bagira             MC         5 2L        5 5L   
Brettachtal's El Sahib               PS   5          2L  6      
Coonbitzky Pegasus                   MC     2L  6 4L            
Csakscoon Bibique                    MC   1          3L         
Csakscoon Herakles                   MC     4L           2      
Iguana Harmony                       HI   6 1L                  
Pretty Silver Vanda                  BS              3S     7 5S   
Bearcloud King of Bongo Bong         MC           5L 4L         
Lovehulen Harley Davidson            MC                  5      
Modany Kalahari                      BS     4S    2S            
Pannon Silvestris Niorn              NF                  7      
Amayalynx Fugo                       MC                       2L   
Bumblebears Toccato Bensdorp         BS              5S       4S   
Pannon Silvestris Nordlys            NF           3L            
Blue Clermont Bessy                  ES     3S    5S            
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      22 16 21 16 16 22 22 16   
                    Shorthair Count          5     5  6        6   

CATS                                     SB PH MP MP SB PH MP KV   
Le Petit Chebella's Sir Cashmere     RD     5L  1 1L 8L  6  1 3L   
Rainbow Warrior's Ms Erszebet        SX   9     3 1S 2S 10  4   
Parti Wai Ooh La La of Maranello     PS   1 1L       2L  2    1L   
Batifoleurs Wild Illusion            BG   8 2S  9 3S     5  9   
Pretty Silver Oszkar of Silver Pant  BS   2 1S       1S     8 5S   
Cedar Rose Bennington of Maranello   PS     4L  2 2L        2   
Catnoox Just A Maranello of Norsycat MC     2L       1L  3    2L   
Parti Wai Magic Touch of Maranello   PS     6L    6L 4L  4    5L   
Megacoon Guitars Suti of Csackscoon  MC   5       3L 3L       4L   
I'm Incognito Venustus Felis         BS              5S  1  3   
Norsycat Unka                        MC         6 8L        5 9L   
Starry Skys Emily                    BS   4     4 5S            
St.Laszloi Joanne                    MC   3       4L 5L         
Charmant Colour Jessica              HI                  7  6 6L   
Sebasco's Niagara Falls              MC         8 5L        7   
Misskin Mistermagic                  BS     4S  7 4S            
Calipf of Shalimar                   PD     5S       3S       1S   
Cirkumpolare Galiina of Raszputyin   SB     3L           9    8L   
Funny Face Fia Faricoon of Charmant  MC   7          6L       7L   
Henry's Sweet Venustus Felis         BS         5 2S            
Vanderbilt av Senja                  NF  1010L    7L            
Bootcamp's Confetti                  MC   6          7L         
Cornelia de Belenus                  EM                  8    4S   
Batifoleurs Radja of Enumaelisch     BG              4S       2S   
Modany Easy Rider                    BS                    10 3S   
St.Laszloi Ikarusz                   MC     8L 10               
Mtnest Jackman                       MC     7L    9L            
Barsonyos Mancs Gina                 BS     3S                  
Blue Clermont Bijou                  PS     9L                  
Overlandcats Kiara                   SL          10L            
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      39 26 39 26 23 37 37 24   
                    Shorthair Count         13    13 12       12   

ALTERS                                   SB PH MP MP SB PH MP KV   
Bootcamp's Bratac                    MC   2 1L  2 1L 1L  3  3 2L   
Bootcamp's Barcelona                 MC   3 3L  1 2L 2L  4  1 1L   
Bootcamp Apolcalyptica               MC   1 2L  3 3L 3L  2  4 3L   
B3's Esmeralda Aura                  BS              1S  1  2 1S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       3  3  3  3  3  4  4  3   
                    Shorthair Count                   1        1   

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           SB PH MP MP SB PH MP KV   
Tommy                                     1 1S  1 1S 2S  1  1 1S   
Cleopatra                                 2 2S  2 3S 1S  2  2 2S   
Cippona                                   3 3S    2S            
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       3     2        2  2   
                    Shorthair Count          3     3  2        2   
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (