The Evergreen Cat Fanciers, Seattle, WA, February 9-11, 2007

           Friday                  Saturday                  Sunday        
    Yvonne Patrick     AB    Lindajean Grillo   AB    Mary Arnold        AB
    Lindajean Grillo   AB    Mark Coleman       AB    Alice Rhea         AB
    Karen McInchak     AB    Juliana Slater     AB    Aline Noel-Garel   AB
    Pamela Barrett     AB    Ellen Crockett     AB    Pascale Portelas   AB
    Chris Unangst      AB    Harley Devilbiss   AB    Melissa Parsley    AB
    Elaine Weitz       SP    Rene Knapp         SP    Harley Devillbiss  SP

KITTENS                                  YPLJG KM PB CU EWLJG MC JS EC HD RK MA ARANG PP MP HD
Valafold Lucy Lapislazuli of Rkgems  SF   5  9 10     6 3S 10     4  3  5        4  1  1  6 2S
Iamcats Mr Bigstuff                  SO   1  3  3  8  5     4           2 1L  7  8  9  3    2L
Zeedaz Nikila                        SI   7  8  7     8 2S  5  4  2  2  8 3S        6  6      
Wallycats Fireball                   PS   4  1  2  7  3 4L  1        4  7     6             4L
Zeedaz Tic Talk                      OS      5     9        7  2 10     9 2S    10  3  5    5S
Dadaelis Heart's Desire              BG      6        4 1S  3           1     5    10  7    1S
Lostcoast Abreu                      MC   8  2  4  5  7 2L  2  1          8L                  
McInkats Thunder Mountain            MC                     6     7     3 2L  2     7     3 1L
Chittagong Dangjia                   BI     10                 9          6L  1  1     8      
Ragalong Wizard 1S                   RD   2           2                 6           2       3L
Starstrutter's Midnight Jazz         BU            4    4S             10 4S 10           2   
Kaperkats The Great Catsby           PL            3    3L                3L  3     4         
Leejo's Skykomish                    PB  10       10                    4 7S     6          3S
Longfellow Fionn of Diamant          RD                           8       4L     2     4    8L
Holdermaines Irish Pride of McCoons  MC               1 1L           6                 2      
Nite Wind Crystal of Dramatails      SL                 6L          10        8       10 10 6L
Tiny Tales Gryffin                   BS                 5S     3          6S     5          4S
Starstrutter's Moon Jinx             BU         6     9        5  6                           
Wallycats Kizzamahazz                PS                        6  3       5L              8   
Meikai Black Knight of Faerietail    DR                 6S        1       1S              9   
Dreamscape Felicity of Seahorse      AS   9     9                                7        5   
Phoenixaby's Continuous Motion       AB                       10  9  8           9            
Celestrail Jazzy Sky of Raggleberry  RD            6                 7    9L        8         
Cashmererags Emma Rose               RD            1    5L           1                        
Kaperkats Hershel                    PL         8                 5                       1   
Balduchi Amadeus of Shamira          PD                              5        9     5         
Cashmererags All Reved Up            RD      7              9                 4               
Stonehenge Wild Spirit of Snopride   BG         1              8          5S                  
Holdermaines Mighty Maximus          MC                              9           3          7L
Snopride Veri Wurthy                 BG   3        2                                          
Legendtales Fantasia                 PB      4              8                                 
Balimoor Pete's Angel                BA                                  10L              7 5L
Starstrutter's Minka Pearl           TO   6                                            9      
Shadowheart Taliesin of Tallis       SB                                   7L              4   
Mymains Electraglide                 MC         5                                             
Kaperkats Pawsy Motoes               PB                        7                              
Nightmist Flash of Felinexpress      AB              10                                       
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     42 42 41 41 41 21 50 45 51 47 47 25 45 47 45 45 43 23
                     Shorthair Count                    21                22                20

CATS                                     YPLJG KM PB CU EWLJG MC JS EC HD RK MA ARANG PP MP HD
Wallycats Fabulous Baker Boy         PS   4  3  7  7  5     5  4  4       4L  7  3  2  2  7   
Dreamharts Miss Chiff of Ahura       PS   1     1  9  1 3L     6  5  1        1     1  3      
Whozz Kaliedoscope                   PS      1     2  8 1L  1     1     1 5L     4          1L
Woodpile Tumbleweed                  SG   2           3 6S     9        6 3S 10  2  9     2 4S
Cascademtn Daytona Speedway          MC      2  2       2L  4             7L  4  1     8    2L
Kaperkats Jasper                     PB  10        4  6 1S        8       6S  2        5  1   
Maullenium Luke Mauwalker            EM         8  6    4S     3     9    2S     7        4 6S
Bojobirmans Denimbear of Chittagong  BI   7  9  3  8  9    10           8 1L                4L
Artshow Siennaman of Nightmist       SO   8    10  5        6           9 2L  8        4      
E-Lo Lavender Sachet                 OL      4              2             3L  5     5     5   
Pinecoon Wild Card of Woodpile       MC   9  7        2        5  7                       8   
Seahorse Sprite                      AS           10  7              2    9S    10        6 5S
Hillstblues Steele Magnolia          AB      5  4  3  4 8S  8                                 
Cheetahsden Some Like It Hot         BG                 2S        6     3 1S     9          1S
Riterags Myblueheaven of Rockcreek   RD                        7  2     7           4  1      
McInkats Moki of Shamira             OS                        2  3  6    7S        8       8S
Cazzpurr Jazz Wurthy of Snopride     BG   3  6              9     9  3                        
Lilminx Quendi of Cherricreek        KT      8              7             5S        3  9   10S
Rkgems Mason Malachite               SF                 3S     1                 6     7  9   
Tassam Shasta of Stegra              SI     10  6                    5  4                   2S
Kit'Ncreek Kricket of Rainingrexes   DR                                1010S       10 10 10 7S
Shamira Chava                        PD                              4    8S  6        6      
Fairydream Camille of Sacredspirit   BU                                       3  8        3   
Cascademtn Indianapolis 500          MC   5                          8  2                     
Mojoscathouse Alki of Foresthunter   PB                        8        5                   3S
Balimoor Majestic Merlin             BA   6                                         7       5L
Nightmist On Safari                  AB              10          10  7                        
Camelotdolls Bearpaw of Raggleberry  RD            1                          9               
Pinecoon Hootenanny                  MC                     3       10                        
Ragalong Bandit 1S                   RD                                          5          3L
Sehnsational Kama                    BA         5       5L                                    
Fairydust Krogan of Sarsenstone      SI                 5S                          6         
Dilettante Roswell of Faerietail     DR         9       7S                                    
Nightmist Kashmir of Phoenixabys     AB                                   4S                9S
Dreamquest Alongcamejones of Avanti  BG                       10                              
Ragalong Butch Cassidy 44R           RD                 4L                                    
Kimsdolls Spencer of Moxiedolls      RD                                   6L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     43 43 41 42 44 20 51 50 51 52 49 22 46 46 46 46 46 19
                     Shorthair Count                    23                29                27

ALTERS                                   YPLJG KM PB CU EWLJG MC JS EC HD RK MA ARANG PP MP HD
Kazzakatz Carmen By Bizet            BI   2  4  2  1  1 1L  3 10  2  2  3 3L  5     2  5  7 1L
Kabelkim Seamus Ruidh of Dramatails  MX   5  3  3  8  6     4  1  7 10  2 1S  3  5  9  9  1 2S
Cumaras Final Edition                BS   8  7  5     7 4S  7  4  4  8  6     2  3 10 10  3 5S
Ciara Volauvent of Samphire          CX   1        2  2 1S     5  1  1  4        6  3  7    3S
Expresivepixie Dunn of Purfur        PB   6  6     6 10     6     5  3  9 2S  9  4  1  6      
Tassam Lone Ranger of St Valentine   BA   3  9  4     9 3L  9     8     8 5L  6 10          6L
Catnbeary's Charlie Brown            AS     10     4  3 5S           5  1    10     7  8    1S
Pentaclecats Ring O'Fire             AB      8  6  7  5     8  3     7  7        7          4S
Mymains Nimrodel                     MC   4  1  1  3    4L  1             1L                4L
Ragalong Majestic Micetro            RD   9     7     4 2L     8       10     8     6       5L
Whozz Johnny B Good of Tinytales     PS   7    10       5L     7              4        3  4 3L
Shammicats Penelope                  SX      2    10        2    10  4    4S     9            
Ahwannacoon Magic Bullet             MC                              6  5              1  5 2L
Starstrutter's Golden Nuggets        BU         8  5           9                 8        2   
Smokeycoons Chaparral                MC                    10     3           1           6   
Quisigamond Henrik Fisker            NF                        2  9       2L           4      
Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons    MC                        6                 1  8         
Zeedaz Trakker Boy                   SI                 2S        6              2            
Murteza Asmara                       AB  10     9                             7               
Coondalay Levi                       MC               8                                2      
Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire   SI      5              5                                 
Joleigh Moedee Black Gold Texas Tea  PS                                   4L        5         
Heycat Silver Bullet                 AS                                   3S              9   
Ritz-O-Cats Maskaraid of Marbleglen  ES            9                 9                        
Seawillow Jericho                    BG                 3S                5S                  
Winteridge Black Forest              NF                                                  10 7L
Anjeau Cabochon Sapphire             BA                                             4         
Zeedaz Avro Arrow                    OS                                                   8   
Ragpawz River of Adorabledolls       RD                                   6L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     31 31 31 31 31 14 39 38 38 40 40 21 40 41 40 41 40 22
                     Shorthair Count                    17                19                18

Heartley of Alleykatz                     1  1  2  2  2 1S  2  2  4  1  4 1S  1  2  2  1  2 1S
Princess Sasha of Quimby                  2  2  1  1  1 1L  3  1  2  3  3 1L  2  3  3  3  3 1L
Harleyquin                                                  1  4  3  2  2 3S  3  1  1  2  1 2S
Pup                                                            3  1     1 2S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2  2  1  3  4  4  3  4  1  3  3  3  3  3  1
                     Shorthair Count                     1                 3                 2

Gabrielle With Clouds                     1  2  2  3  1 2L  2  1  1  1    1L  1  2  1       1L
Flash Admiral                                3  1       1S  5  5  2  3  2 1S  3  3     3  2 1S
Phoebe The Charmed One                    3  1  3  1  3 3S  1  3        5 5S              4 2S
Cocoa Marbles of Marbleglen                  5     4  5 1L  3  4  4       3L        3       5L
Texas Tom                                 2     4     4 2S           4  4 3S  5        2    4S
Tucker                                    5        5  2 4L                    2  5  5  1    4L
Percephone Superstar                      4  4          5L  4     3  5    4L           5      
Rum Tum Tugger                                          3L              3 2L     4  4     1 3L
Git-R-Dun Dallas                                        4S                2S  4  1          5S
Mr. Mollie                                      5  2                      5L                2L
Yogi Bear-Ah of Alpinelegends                                        2              2  4      
Moochie                                                           5     1                     
Majestik Merlin                                                2          4S                3S
Pixies Miloh                                                                              3   
Beauty                                                                                    5   
Bonny Bluebelle of Alleykatz                            5S                                    
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     12 12 12 12 13  8 13 16 15 14 16 10 15 15 16 15 14  8
                     Shorthair Count                     5                 6                 6

Cheetahsden Malibu                   BG   1  1  1  1  1 1S        1  1  1     1     1  1  1 1L
Seawillow Teah                       BG                     1  1          1L     1            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                     2                                    
This report was prepared by Jan Dell (