Coatimondi Cat Club, Tucson, AZ, April 29-30, 2000

              Saturday                      Sunday        
        Yvonne Patrick     AB        Chieko Ohira       AB
        Sue Bower          AB        Pat Harding        AB
        Vickie Shields     AB        Juliana Slater     AB
        Adriana Kajon      AB        John Burch         AB
        Hisako Yamada      AB        Don Caruthers      AB
        Vickie Fisher      AB        Richard Bailey     AB
        Vicki Jo Harrison  AB        Pascale Portelas   AB

KITTENS                                  YP SB VS AK HY VF VH CO PH JS JB DC RB PP
Kazzakatz William Tell By Rossini    BI   2  6  6  5     3  7  8  4  5     2  3  4
Shiverden's Jubilee of Chaparral     SG         3  7  9  1  3 10  8 10  1  7  1   
Jinjorbred's Avalon                  SX      2  5  2  8  6  9  7  3  1           6
Mightycats Mr. Big Stuff             MC   1     4  4  5     5           3  1  2  2
Memry's Unchained Melody of Calla    PS      3  8  8  1        3  6  3     6      
Hillstblues Lil Devil In Bluejeans   AB      1  2           1  5        4     5  3
Expressivepixie Garcia               PB   3  9  1  1  6              9     4      
Elvessa's Lucy Ricardo               TO   8    10  3  2        2  2           7   
Degoonacoon's Tuissett Bay           MC   4  5           2  2  4  1               
Felitan Columbos Heart               OS      8              8  1     4        4  1
Awesome Ocicats Baileys Irish Cream  OC   7        9     4        5  8 10         
Exotic Rose Suzie Q                  BG      4  9     7  7                       8
Britanya's Whooz Silver Now          DR      7             10    10        3     9
Tejas Victoria                       BG         7  6        4        2            
Expresivepixie Heart Breaker         PB                  5  6           6    10   
Tsusan's Leggacy                     SI                  9     6     7           7
Bengoria Kit Carson                  BG   6                       9        5      
Mustang's Strega                     BO              10                 2     8   
Ragmeister's Sir Jyro of Old Pueblo  RD                  8              7 10      
Cooncreole Mishka of Bewitched       SB           10                    8  8      
Caoilinn of Hooligan                 PS   9                                   9 10
Dreamland Hannibal                   BG   5                             5         
American Gothic Sophia               MC                              6           5
Hillstblues Charly                   AB  10           3                           
Coonquest Hoot Gibscoon              MC                                    9  6   
Hillstblues Charmin                  PL                           7     9         
Kavekats Crusader                    MC               4                           
Legendary Brisco Co                  PB                        9                  
Quercus Secretariel Finesse          AB     10                                    
Nasdoii Stardust                     HB                 10                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 38 39 38 39 38 38
                     Shorthair Count                                              

CATS                                     YP SB VS AK HY VF VH CO PH JS JB DC RB PP
Quanmarra Bonnie Prince of Pzazz     OS   4  3  6  7  2  8     5  2  2  2  2  1  5
Tassam Magic In Dis Guy Z            SI   1     5  1  4     1  2 10  1  1  3  2  1
Nativeson's El Gato de Oro           PB   2  2  9  6     4     1  4  7  4    10  3
Calla's Heavens To Betsy             AS   9 10  1  2  6  9  5 10    10        4  9
Coonyham Coltrane                    MC      9           2  2  4  5  8  9  4  3  4
Whozz Twinkle Lil Star               PS      1  2  5     6  7  3     4     1  6   
Lunarcoons Total Eclipse             MC      5  3  4              3  3     9  7  2
Dandenong Along Came Jones           RD  10  7        1  5  9          10  8     8
Riverpurrls Ricochet of Glenneyre    PS   7              3        1  5  3     5   
Lunarcoons Ganymede                  MC   3        8  3  1              5         
Toytown's Lash Larue of Elvessa      TO            3 10           7     8        7
Toytown Millenniumfalcon of Wilpurr  TO   6  6 10       10                 6      
Dicaprio of Starbengal               BG         7  9  8     8     6               
Ritz-O-Cats Jackpot                  ES         4                    6           6
Zzpaws White Walls                   BI               5                    7  9   
Wilpurr Posh                         TO           10        4  8                  
Neapolitan's Kharma of Hillstblues   AB                     3           6         
Tejas Myna Lone                      BG      4              6                     
LAPD Cruiser                         MC   5           9                           
Bengoria Billy The Kid               BG      8                 6                  
Donexitica Winning Colors            ES                              9     5      
Stageone Hamlet                      BG   8              7                        
Millwood Ischiron of Dreamland       BG                                 7     8   
Acatranch Moon Mist of Britanya      DR                           8             10
Ravenswing Evita of Schmeichelkatze  BS                        9  9               
Taiyo's Netsuke                      JL               7                           
Oltae's Star Rose Quartz             HI                        7                  
Misty Ridge Nitensatin of Purrkats   PS         8                                 
Tsusan Quan Lin                      SI                    10                     
Crystalrose Laisezlebontemps Rouler  CR                                   10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     64 63 63 63 62 63 64 62 58 60 62 59 61 62
                     Shorthair Count                                              

ALTERS                                   YP SB VS AK HY VF VH CO PH JS JB DC RB PP
Jedidiah's Mark                      NF  10  1  1  2  2  1  3  1  3  8     3  2  2
Ciara's Kotobuki of Samphire         OS   2 10  5  9  1     6  4  2  2  1  5  3  5
Willowplace Domperion of Sirbentley  MC   1  3  9  5        1  7  6  5  2  1  1  1
Kabobmemry Lady Contessa of Memry    PS   3     6  8  6  8  7    10  1  3  8  7   
Omega Butterfly of Tell No Tails     CY   6  2  2  3 10  9     8     3  5  4      
Britanya's Always On My Mind         DR      9  3  4    10  2     4        2  6  6
Pinecoon's Edward Bearcat            MC   4        1              5  4  4     9  3
Hillstblues Sweet & Sunny            AB      5 10     8     4           8 10  5 10
Kinukatz Sebastian                   TO   9     8  6  7  5     6  8               
Kikicat's Angel                      PS   5                10  2     6        8  7
Palace Guard of Mun-Ha               BI   7  8  4        7  5  9                  
Hapi K Moose Cannon                  MC               3  2              9  9     4
QT's T.J. Hooker                     SR           10     4  8        9 10        8
Chayat's Smoroki                     RB                        3        7  6  4   
Crystalrose Tabasco                  CR         7           9     7 10           9
Taiyo's Yoko-San                     JB      4                       7       10   
Cooncreole Yaakov of Silverheels     SB            7              1               
Crystalrose File Gumbo               CR                  3                 7      
Highlites Playboy                    PS      6                          6         
Kim-Lynn's Sioux Kitti Sue           BU      7           6                        
Legendary Billie-Bob of Equistice    PB               9       10                  
Purrkats Furby                       PS               4                           
Petraxia Raven of Thomcats           CR               5                           
Jobengals Make Me Bad                BG                        5                  
Radiance Kemah of Krutherskats       OS   8                                       
Oltaecatpalace Magical Bog O Tricks  PS                           9               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 27 29 29 30 30 30
                     Shorthair Count                                              

Kate Scarpetta of Cat's Cradle            2  3  1  3  4  3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
Iannda of Bakhutan                        4  1  3  4  2  2  3  2  2  2  2  2  2   
Trooper Brandon                           3  2  2  1  1  1  2                     
Adonisde Regio Gato                       1  4  4  2  3  4                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4  4  4  4  2  2  2  2  2  2  1
                     Shorthair Count                                              

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           YP SB VS AK HY VF VH CO PH JS JB DC RB PP
Butterscotch                              1  4  5  1  4  1  5  1  1  4  1  1  3  3
Hiawatha Frosty Heels                     3  8  2  5  1  4           5  3     6  8
Clover                                       5  3  4  5  7  1     2  6     4      
Logan                                     8     8  6  8  2        9  3     2  2   
Arthur of Priceless                       4           3     4  3  6 10  5    10  4
Darwin of Chaparral                       6  3     2  7  3  2     7        5      
Sir Linus From Addison                    5  6     7     6    10  8     4  3    10
Tabasco Cat of Catpatch                   2  7  6  3        6  4           7      
LS Tango                                  7        8  6  8  8  2           6      
Sweet Pea                                    2  7                 5  1     8     6
Santa Rosa Sam                                                 5  3  2        5   
Abby                                         1  1                10  9            
Ditzzy Bessame                                        2        6        6     9   
Seaside Sadie of Cat's Cradle                   4           3  9              8   
Johnny Dollar of Cat's Cradle                            5     8           9     5
Moose Kitty                                                       4  7           1
Coco Chanel of Cat's Cradle                              9              9        2
Yumyum                                                                    10  4  7
Trooper Brandon                                                         2     1   
Cedar                                              9        7                     
Felena                                                               8           9
Lobster Bob of Cats Cradle                                             10     7   
Peggy Sue                                                      7                  
Don't Call Me Hairy of Oltae                                            7         
Suki                                                                    8         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     23 23 23 24 23 24 23 27 27 27 27 27 26 27
                     Shorthair Count                                              
This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (