2018-2019 Championship Cat Standings: 2812-3007

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Wed May 22 13:40:47 2019.

RankChampionship Cat Standings: 2812-3007
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2812T376317TFrost Forest Dva AWRD165
2812T41031O'Lune Cannelle des Clayes D'Eden ESBI165
2812T143T129Matilda Honey Hanna EWES165
2812T210257TMajor Sunhunters of 1stopbengals SCBG165
2812T330T317THovicastle Rasmussen ENRD165
2812T164T236THolyfold Catty Arbuckle SEBS165
2812T143T257TAuthenticats Midnight Sakura Swirl EWBG165
2812T143T236TAureus Opalescence EWBS165
2812T164T257TWildnsweet Phoenix Rising SEBG165
2812T330T236TUsain Bolt von den Wasserkatzen ENBS165
2822T332T28Nay Nay of Magicat ENBU164
2822T1549Naboo De La Valee des Dieux/LO NELY164
2822T377130Chun Lap Tiger Eyes AWES164
2822T146T239Britishbearcats Houdini EWBS164
2822T332T319Allweneedis Reflect Life ENRD164
2822T146T27Alise Kiki EWSCS164
2828T378T137Mi'Ao White Nine AWPS163
2828T155T311TMalia De Rep Ninou NEMC163
2828T411T71Louis Aragon Anima Allegra ESOS163
2828T378T71Hilton Kokeshi*PL AWDR163
2828T411T101Detrevande's You'Ve Got Love ESAB163
2828T378T131Bingbang AWES163
2828T155T260Zolota Mriya Vegas of Empyrean/WC NEBG163
2828T334311TRichcoon*ru Comrade Denis ENMC163
2836T157104Selena Siberian Magic NESB162
2836T38172Rina AWDR162
2838T382138TMiluku House of San Zhu AWPS161
2838T176138THoaloha Be Still My Heart NWPS161
2838T33528Glamisway Cool Guy Cooper ENSCS161
2838T413240Blue Pearl ESBS161
2838T31432Petithouse's Aston AESG161
2843T383T313Mica AWMC160
2843T177261TMajesticpride African Twighlite NWBG160
2843T95131Empress Black Lotus MASX160
2843T383T19Dollar Zheng AWACL160
2843T383T320Darlinlildolls Ndidalee AWRD160
2843T16672Chester Amalirr SEOS160
2843T15832Rexkwizit Phantom NECR160
2843T21113Oscar de Jolioz SCKBL160
2843T383T261TJudyful Princess Peacock AWBG160
2852T336T19FI*Willicon Dejah Thoris ENBA159
2852T336T73Nyx Alleria Windrunner of Lancarrow ENOS159
2852T387T19Halliwel's Noel AWSCL159
2852T336T241Vestfalia Gold Bomond ENBS159
2852T9614Toriland Parsnip MABO159
2852T336T29Templebar Celtic of EbonyCatz ENBU159
2852T16751Satoris Ameila SEAS159
2852T387T321Reflection Liam AWRD159
2860T315322Snugglerags Tony Stark Cleverdoll AERD158
2860T41432Monde de Lyndt Nefus ESBI158
2860T120105Marakami Nevskiyu Sapfir GLSB158
2860T389263Ajiemao Ajie AWBG158
2860T148242Kimcatz Satin & Lace EWBS158
2865T316T103Nzurisana Joli Ange of Littlemew AENF157
2865T4158Nekhbet de Toutan Kha Mau ESEM157
2865T97132McJax Little Deuce Coop MAES157
2865T316T314TDadacoon Dexter AEMC157
2865T316T243Chechena Lame AEBS157
2865T178314TUlrich Dvcoon NWMC157
2865T34021Thaiblueangels Gabriella ENTH157
2872T70264Coolspots Freya of Grapearbor SWBG156
2872T17937Chipmunk Marilyn NWSI156
2872T986Ashknoll Dharma MAKM156
2872T390244Tuanzi AWBS156
2876T319316McLapisu Chloe AEMC155
2876T341T5Curlpassion Okiko ENLP155
2876T1683Catpal Svoboda Strattera SEKB155
2876T416140Andrea's Darla ESPS155
2876T341T323Ambrosian Doll G'Harry ENRD155
2881T59265TFerros MPBG154
2881T149T245Skyota Deal Pool of Astralcharm EWBS154
2881T121317Nebraskcoons Jazzy Mae GLMC154
2881T320T52Mi-Ko Family Philip AEAS154
2881T149T265TLeapsden Oswald EWBG154
2881T212265THeavnsntbengals Silver Lining SCBG154
2881T320T265TGross Pet Ichiro AEBG154
2881T180265TBengalflats Sheridan NWBG154
2881T169265TAngelsiam Mysticals Honey Rose SEBG154
2881T391324Tyaragdolls Ross AWRD154
2891T181T132TSimplynude Trixie of Fantcfur NWSX153
2891T170T271TSilverstorm Crown Jewels SEBG153
2891T122106TOberon Velikii Ohotnik GLSB153
2891T417T132TLuz Ayacata'S Dreams ESSX153
2891T417T141TLeland Palmer de Uki's House ESPS153
2891T343T271TBengalheritage Ragnarok of Dokocats ENBG153
2891T181T74Azorez Scheherazade of Meili NWOS153
2891T322T325TAppledolls Aegis AERD153
2891T417T14Ammyodskal Chloe ESSV153
2891T343T106TZlatogorye Amela ENSB153
2891T71246Your Majesty Golden Ryan SWBS153
2891T322T325TRagmagic Princess Kako of Lynfield AERD153
2891T15125PepeandLottie Dita Von Teese EWBL153
2891T170T141TJoleigh's Hercules of Ell Tee SEPS153
2905T60327TNydivinedolls Fitz of 4everragdolls MPRD152
2905T159T247Lakki Cats Roosevelt of Cor Auratum NEBS152
2905T392T38Chperson Saim Hunk AWSI152
2905T392T73Big J AWDR152
2905T392T20Belialqing Boniu AWMK152
2905T123T327TRagissa Juventas GLRD152
2905T4209Ptiprince Pandia ESEM152
2905T159T143Pearly Pond Workin 9 to 5 NEPS152
2905T123T22Pawcitys Ravens Out 4 Justice GLMNL152
2914T18329Markissa Know-How NWSCS151
2914T395T248TLemon AWBS151
2914T395T248TDaxiongmaoba Gedi AWBS151
2914T421T134Black Pearls Othello ESSX151
2914T421T318Joshuatree Karolka Candy ESMC151
2914T421T104IT*Norr Venn's Bedtime Story ESNF151
2920T345T102TAby-Asin Iris ENAB150
2920T21375Siblings Bi Bi Birdie SCOS150
2920T42421Siamotel Diamond Black Velvet ESPD150
2920T141273TGoldencrown Bakc SABG150
2920T184135Elysium Iliana NWSX150
2920T324T273TBerkano Leader of Medusa AEBG150
2920T324T273TBenga Ramu's King AEBG150
2920T72102TBearbrook Gem O Nile of Grapearbor SWAB150
2920T345T74Secret Elf Quickly/ID ENDR150
2929T397T136TFifteen Cattery Suger AWSX149
2929T397T33Milkaholiic Quattrozampe Masrrati AWSFL149
2929T142T144El Shuringa Zabatta of Laurettas SAPS149
2929T397T329Darlinghouse Mirinda AWRD149
2929T142T33Dal Vigay Dulcinea Del Toboso SABI149
2929T425250Tanzanit Hitclif ESBS149
2929T152136TRosy EWSX149
2936T125276TSpotsnglitz Clara GLBG148
2936T21430Shiekspurr Vermicelli SCHI148
2936T426T319TNamy de Chastre ESMC148
2936T17275Nada God Save The Queen SEDR148
2936T347251DK Lljin Kukolka ENBS148
2936T426T319TDiamants de Caenis Nefertiti ESMC148
2936T326276TBY*Bengamur Belissima AEBG148
2936T4009Zhuwyuan AWMNT148
2936T161330Joymagic Naughtynugget Lilly ofthe RNERD148
2945T327T331Foreverlove Samantha AERD147
2945T997Ashknoll Eroon MAKM147
2945T327T105Tout Ecrin Topaz AENF147
2945T327T53Kamimine Cat House's Cial AEAS147
2949T428T278TOnly Fly Away des Griffes De Feu ESBG146
2949T162138Garik NESX146
2949T100278TBengamur George Clooney MABG146
2949T428T278TBeauty Cat Voice ESBG146
2949T153252Pureclass Stud Muffin EWBS146
2954T101T281TSolanaranch Nefretiri MABG145
2954T126281THighcaliber Wakandan Princes GLBG145
2954T101T145TDiehl Cant Stop The Feelin MAPS145
2954T330T30Dalbodre's Theodore AESCS145
2954T173T145TBeaubarr Ebony Of Koby Kapp SEPS145
2954T348332TAlaska Dom Elzy*PL ENRD145
2954T101T11Takrai Double Deuce of Selella MATO145
2954T173T332TRaggato Ford/FI SERD145
2954T330T33Petit-House's Annett AESG145
2954T430104Jokercats Whiskey ESAB145
2964T431T283TSherekhan Tiger Athos ESBG144
2964T154T10Shalnavazz Teddy Lupin EWLY144
2964T154T31Melissa Cassie Prime EWSCS144
2964T40121Gone With The Wind AWMK144
2964T163253TEmpireofglamour Gina NEBS144
2964T431T105Des Entrechats Oxo ESAB144
2964T185253TBeautytracks Katie NWBS144
2964T349283TAmazongold Kalinacats Tiffani ENBG144
2964T215139Yorubacattery Igoor of Winchester SCSX144
2964T175334Sunnyshores Salty Kisses SERD144
2964T332T45Queen Arms Kiwi Junior AESF144
2964T332T108Kakehashi Cattery's O-Kusaba2 AESB144
2976T156T11Elitefelines Cassius EWLY143
2976T433T255TDylan Trudy ESBS143
2976T12776Ciara Rytu Tyra GLOS143
2976T176T335TChiffondolzz Jacques of Sal-Shire SERD143
2976T176T321Caesarheadcoon Hermosa SEMC143
2976T350T30Burma Filony Eva ENBU143
2976T156T285Rosie Rosetta EWBG143
2976T433T335TPawsnwhiskers Quink ESRD143
2976T350T255TIkuchi Underleyhall ENBS143
2985T178T32Fluffy Grace Eclat SESCS142
2985T178T337Oaksides Code Blue of Pagatos SERD142
2985T402T257TMo's Famly Tiantian AWBS142
2985T352T106Mirrorofsoul Tula's Viking ENAB142
2985T186257TLancelot Dizhardi of Folders NWBS142
2985T352T14Happiness Z Teczowego Ogrodu ENSRL142
2985T352T20Curland Tango ENACL142
2985T402T257TCici AWBS142
2985T33434Bouquet de Rose's Komitsu-M AESFL142
2985T10422Betelgeuse RU Holden ov Empress MAPD142
2985T144322Bajacoon Joaquim SAMC142
2985T164109Altai Jan Matejko NESB142
2985T158140Rich Gift You Must Be Yummy EWSX142
2985T178T286Primalbengals Parca Maurtia Dono SEBG142
2985T352T34Jolie Thaleya du Royaume Des Muses ENBI142
3000T59107TGanswed Abi-King Muezza of Superbee INAB141
3000T404338TBluecheese AWRD141
3000T335338TAngeliqdoll Maria AERD141
3000T159T260TAlimur's Fergus EWBS141
3000T159T260TX-Ray of Kotoffski EWBS141
3000T105287Panachebengals Once Reminiscence MABG141
3000T165107TKhamsin Dexter Dextrous NEAB141
3007T336106Fantarja Sharon AENF140
3007T181T141Lunarrami Kylo SESX140
3007T181T323Asterix Bastetto *UA SEMC140
3007T435T262Wishing Well Aria ESBS140
3007T435T147Rebelyany King of Dreams ESPS140
3007T35616Jay-Jay ENPB140